Dangerous Goods (DG)

The DG Committee promotes the safe transportation of dangerous goods by air. Articles and substances capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property, or the environment are regulated as dangerous goods, and may be carried safely only when properly declared, packaged, labelled, and when the Pilot in Command is notified. IFALPA seeks to maintain the highest regulatory standards for the transport of declared dangerous goods, as well as preventing undeclared dangerous goods from being carried on aircraft. 

Capt. Timo Lempiäinen
DG Committee Chairperson

Capt. Lempiäinen flies A330s for Finnair, based in Helsinki. He chairs the Safety and Security Committee of the Finnish Pilots Association. He currently represents IFALPA on IATA’s Dangerous Goods Board (DGB), on the Postal Security Group (PSG) of the Universal Postal Union, and on the Transport Safety Standards Committee of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

FO Dave Schlichting
DG Committee Vice-Chair

FO Schlichting flies B767s for FedEx, based in Indianapolis. He started his flying career in the US Marine Corps, flying the AV-8B Harrier, and subsequently joined FedEx, flying MD-11s out of Anchorage. He currently leads the DG WG on the e-NOTOC, working closely with IATA. He has also been actively involved with the Pilot Scheduling Improvement Team of the FedEx Master Executive Council, and has completed Negotiations Training.


Contact Us
F/O Stacey Jackson
Executive Vice-President Technical & Safety Standards (EVP TSS)
Capt. Arnaud du Bédat
Senior Technical Officer

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Position Paper December 01, 2022