Apr 06-08, 2020

Runway Safety Team Course - Tunisia

Tunis, Tunisia

General Information

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and escalating travel restrictions and bans, we have decided to postpone the Runway Safety Team Course in Tunisia, 6-8 April 2020. New dates for the course will be communicated once they are confirmed.

IFALPA and Fédération Tunisienne des Pilotes de Lignes (FTPL) invite participants to a Runway Safety Team (RST) Course. The course is intended for pilot representatives participating in, or intending to join, airport Runway Safety Teams. It is also suitable for Air Traffic Controllers and representatives of CAAs, airports, and airlines.

Runway Safety expert instructors Captain Heriberto Salazar and Mr. Gordon Margison will share their experience and knowledge, using case studies and exercises to prepare participants to become active and knowledgeable members of a Runway Safety Team. 

The course covers a wide range of topics on runway safety:

  • What is a Runway Safety Team (RST)?
  • Identifying, prioritizing and mitigating hazards: overview of ICAO Hazard Identification and Risk Management
  • Resources for RST participants
  • Elements of safe airport design and operations
  • Runway incursion and excursion prevention strategies
  • How to effectively participate in an RST
  • Airport visit (to be confirmed)


The objective of the training is to prepare representatives to proactively participate in Runway Safety Teams.

IFALPA Member Associations may also wish to enroll members to become potential RST trainers within their association.

Fees & Cancellations

$100 CAD per person

There will be no reimbursement for cancellations after 27 March 2020.

The cost of personal travel, accommodations, and additional meals are not included and are the responsibility of individual attendees. 



Meeting location to be confirmed

Accommodation & Room Rate

Hotel information to be confirmed shortly




Course space is limited. First come, first served.

Hotel Information

Hotel information to be confirmed shortly.