Global Pilots Disturbed by Anti-Union Trend

September 16, 2019


Issued from the Professional & Government Affairs Committee of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA):

IFALPA’s industrial branch is deeply concerned regarding the trend of anti-labour action being waged against pilot groups worldwide. Instances of escalating attacks and retaliation against union representatives for exercising their fundamental right to organize and strike have taken the form of investigation, disciplinary procedure, contract termination, and legal threats and actions.

An ongoing example is that of the Colombian Pilots’ Union (Acdac) and Avianca Airlines Management. For the past two years, Acdac’s pilot representatives have faced an onslaught of discrimination, beginning with mass terminations and culminating in multiple personal criminal charges, all based upon exercising their legal right to strike.

In today’s news, Ryanair pilot representatives are being singled out for threatening and intimidating behaviour by airline management all over Europe. Ryanair Irish company council representatives are being sued by Ryanair for their legitimate, lawful representative activities. This is deplorable behaviour coming from any company, particularly one that claims to engage with unions in the spirit of pursuing normal social dialogue.

Meanwhile, British Airways Management has attempted to strip their pilots of their legal right to strike with court challenges and has pursued other punitive actions against the pilot group and union representatives in the days leading up to, and following, strike action.

IFALPA unequivocally supports the right of pilot groups to take industrial action when negotiations fail. The Federation believes that no pilot group should accept deteriorating salary and working conditions, unpredictable hours, a lack of job security, or the lack of a fair and equitable collective labour agreement. Pilot unions have demonstrated that they are responsible and fair partners with management in times of economic crisis and industry turmoil and they expect and demand that airline management be responsible and fair partners when those airlines are enjoying an unprecedented period of profitability.

The Federation offers support, mutual assistance, and all other available resources to our Member Associations in order to address this disturbing trend on a global scale. The global voice of pilots will not stay silent on this issue.

For further information, please contact:
Emily Bitting,
IFALPA Senior Communications Specialist
+1 514 419 1191 ext. 228,
[email protected]

Note to Editors: The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations represents more than 100,000 pilots in nearly 100 countries around the globe. The mission of IFALPA is to promote the highest level of aviation safety worldwide and to be the global advocate of the piloting profession; providing representation, services and support to both our members and the aviation industry.

Federation website