New Request

Request for Mutual Assistance IALPA - Aer Lingus pilots

June 22, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

IFALPA has been informed by the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association (IALPA), that the Aer Lingus pilots’ served formal notice to Aer Lingus management informing the airline that pilots will take part in an eight-hour strike from 0500 to 1300 on Saturday 29 June 2024.

This is in addition to the already served notice of an indefinite work-to-rule, which is due to commence at 0001 next Wednesday 26 June 2024. Aer Lingus members in IALPA have been engaged in negotiations with their employer for 22 months. These negotiations have not led to an appropriate offer by the company. Aer Lingus pilots last pay increase was pre-pandemic in 2019. The pilots are trying to achieve comparable industry pay increases at other European airlines and pay that accounts for the inflation experienced in Ireland. Aer Lingus pilots made many sacrifices to assist the airline during the COVID crisis, which the company insists on keeping. By comparison, to the 8.9% offered to Aer Lingus pilots, private sector workers in Ireland have seen a pay rise of 23.6% and a pay rise in line with Government Policy and the Public Sector Pay Deal of 21.6% since 2020.

On behalf of Aer Lingus pilots, IALPA is requesting the Mutual Assistance outlined below, as per the IFALPA Industrial Manual, for 29 June 2024:

  • Increased Capacity (Para. 2.5.2)
  • Assistance to Pilots Stranded Away from their Home Base (Para. 2.5.5)
  • Submissions and Representations (Para. 2.5.7)

IFALPA Member Associations are also requested to assist Aer Lingus crews in getting back home from the following outstations: LHR, LGW, FCO, YYZ, USA – BDL, BOS, CLE, DEN, EWR, IAD, JFK, LAX, MCO, MSP, ORD, PHL, SEA, SFO

IALPA further requests Letters of Support for Aer Lingus pilots to be sent to the attention of Mark Tighe, President of IALPA [email protected] and CC [email protected]

IALPA will keep IFALPA and its Member Associations informed of any further developments.

In Unity

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