Member Associations
IFALPA represents more than 130,000 pilots in the Member Associations of nearly 100 countries worldwide.
Any Association which represents air line pilots and whose constitution aligns with IFALPA’s may be eligible to join the Federation. Membership Applications are presented at Conference, where representatives from all current Member Associations may review them.
IFALPA currently accepts only one Association per country. If there are several pilot associations in any one country, the formation of a national umbrella association is encouraged. IFALPA can assist and provide suitable draft agreements for the formation of national associations.
Each Member Association appoints an IFALPA Director as the main point of contact with the Federation. Member Associations are encouraged to become as active as possible in IFALPA activities. This includes sending volunteers to Committee meetings, Regional Meetings, and Conference.
Please note: The listing of countries and territories is for the sole purpose of outlining the geographical dimensions of the area of responsibility, and does not constitute any political recognition or representation by IFALPA.
>Membership by Region

Africa and Middle East (AFI/MID)
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Asia and Pacific (APAC)
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Caribbean and North America (CAR/NAM)
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Europe (EUR)
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