IFALPA is divided into five regions. Each region is led by their Executive Vice-President (Region). EVPs are elected directly from the Member Associations of each region to serve on the Federation’s Board. Regional Vice-Presidents (RVPs) may be elected at Conference, by the Member Associations of the Region, to assist the EVPs in delivering the core functions of the Federation. Together, they meet at Conference and at their annual Regional Meeting to coordinate activity within their Region.
Please note: The listing of countries and territories is for the sole purpose of outlining the geographical dimensions of the area of responsibility, and does not constitute any political recognition or representation by IFALPA.
Africa and Middle East (AFI/MID)
The region is made up of three ICAO regions: Eastern & Central Africa, Middle East, Western & Southern Africa. The Africa and Middle East (or AFI-MID) region of IFALPA stretches from the Mediterranean rim in the north to the Cape of Good Hope in the south, and from the FIRs of the eastern South Atlantic in the west to the shores of the Persian Gulf in the east. The region is extremely diverse regarding development and aviation safety.

Asia and Pacific (APAC)
The region corresponds to ICAO’s Asia & Pacific Region. The largest, geographically, of the IFALPA Regions, APAC has seen the world’s strongest aviation traffic growth in recent years. As a result, the challenge to maintain and enhance aviation safety standards is at the forefront of the work of the region’s Pilot Volunteers.

Caribbean and North America (CAR/NAM)
CAR/NAM provides a forum for Pilot Volunteers from the Region (ALPA Pilots in US and Canada, and Caribbean Pilots from their respective MAs), to explore issues and policies of mutual interest and concern, and to act as a single entity in the international arena on behalf of the entire piloting profession.

Europe (EUR)
The European Cockpit Association (ECA) represents the Federation’s interests in Europe. ECA is the representative body of European Flight Crews at European Union (EU) level. In 2006, IFALPA and ECA signed a Cooperation Protocol which made ECA the representative body of IFALPA in Europe. ECA closely cooperates and coordinates its activities and positions with IFALPA through its Working Groups structure (similar to IFALPA Committees). ECA is the point of contact for all European issues and interactions with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).www.eurocockpit.be

South America (SAM)
The Region faces a unique series of challenges posed by the volatility of the economies of some of its States. Equally, the pressure to reduce cost in the face of increased domestic and cross boarder competition has made the maintenance and enhancement of safety standards ever more important. Throughout the region, IFALPA Pilot Volunteers have been working to ensure compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommendations.