Security (SEC)

The SEC Committee's core function is to ensure the protection of all persons involved in civil aviation and the general public against acts of unlawful interference perpetrated on the ground or in flight. To achieve this, the Committee provides expert advice on security and facilitation issues, contributes to the development of relevant ICAO Standards, Recommended Practices and associated guidance materials, and reviews any new developments and technical solutions in the field of aviation security.

SFO Jeroen Kruse
SEC Committee Chairperson

Jeroen Kruse holds a Master of Science degree in Cognitive Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. He is a First Officer on the Boeing 777/787 at KLM. Involved in aviation security since 2008, He has focused on Cargo Security and Cyber Security. He has served as Vice-Chair of the Security Working Group of ECA, and currently chairs the Security Committee at the Dutch ALPA. Jeroen is also an ICAO-ECAC Certified Aviation Security Manager.

Capt. Kumar P
SEC Committee Vice-Chair

Since his ab-initio training with Singapore Airlines, Captain Kumar P has flown a number of Airbus and Boeing models within the airline and is currently an Instructor on Airbus A330s and A350s, based in Singapore. He joined the ALPA-S Technical Committee in 2000 and is an IFALPA-Accredited Accident Investigator. He has been an active member of IFALPA's SEC Committee since 2015 and was elected Vice-Chair in 2019.

Capt. Wolfgang Koch
SEC Committee Vice-Chair

Captain Koch flies A320s for Delta Airlines, based in Atlanta. He is also a certified turbojet flight engineer, flight instructor, and ground instructor. In 2002 he joined the Northwest Airline ALPA Security Committee, and spent over three years as Chairman of the SEC Committee at Delta Airlines. In 2015, Captain Koch was elected Chairman of ALPA's SEC Group and joined IFALPA's SEC Committee, elected Vice-Chair in 2019.


F/O Stacey Jackson
Executive Vice-President Technical & Safety Standards (EVP TSS)
Capt. Arnaud du Bédat
Senior Technical Officer

Recent Publications

Safety Bulletin October 17, 2023
GPS Spoofing