The PGA Committee assists the Federation and its Member Associations in representing airline pilots in industrial matters. They develop and facilitate training in negotiation tactics, monitor industrial progress globally, develop policy related to the profession of the air line pilot, and coordinate Mutual Assistance to Member Associations as requested.

Akseli Meskanen has been a pilot for Finnair since 2006, currently serving as an A320/330 Captain. In 2019, he was elected president of the Finnish Pilots’ Association, a position he will hold until the end of 2024. Captain Meskanen also served Finnair Pilots’ Association as a Council Member for 10 years and as a Board Member for 6 years. He has also demonstrated his leadership skills on a global scale as Chair of the Oneworld Cockpit Crew Coalition.

Captain Diana Martinez has more than 25 years experience in passenger and cargo operations. Captain Martinez served as IFALPA Regional Vice-President, South America (SAM) North, from 2014 to 2024, and also on the Executive Board of ACDAC, her home Member Association, as Director of International Affairs from 2012-2020. Cpt Martinez has also been active in ICAO Safety Working Groups such as Regional Aviation Safety Group – Pan America (RASG-PA), Pan America — Regional Aviation Safety Team (PA-RAST), and the CAR/SAM Planning and Implementation Regional Group (GREPECAS).